Changes in 0.14.2
- Function .CallOctave gains a new argument
to specify a temporary
verbose level
#### FIXES
- Fixed installation issue on Windows that were introduced with new installation
features in 0.14.
- Fixed bug in output redirection when linking against old octave 3.2: method str()
was not defined
Changes in 0.14
- added a configure option –with-octave to specify the path to a non-standard
Octave installation. For example:
R CMD INSTALL –configure-args=“–with-octave=/opt/octave” RcppOctave_0.14.tar.gz
- Handling of Octave outputs and error messages have been improved.
- Some changes have been made so that the package is compatible with Octave 3.8
(reported by Bernard)
- Installation was failing when Octave was compiled with hdf5-mpi support.
Changes in 0.11
- The package have successfully been installed on Windows machines,
although only basic functionalities have been tested (see README file).
- Support for Mac have also started, although even more slightly, using
the Octave version available from homebrew.
- Moved all developments/bug reports/static docs to GitHub repository:
- Octave functions' stdout and stderr messages are now buffered by default, so
that it does not bypass R own i/o functions.
All messages/warnings sent to stdout/stderr from Octave are displayed on
exiting the function call.
- function .CallOctave gains a new argument buffer.std to enable/disable
stdout and/or stderr buffering (see ?.CallOctave).
- Octave startup warnings (e.g. shadowing of core functions by Octave modules)
are not shown anymore.
- Minor adaptations to pass new CRAN checks
- The package now depends on R >= 3.0.0 to properly handle the knitr vignettes.
- Errors are now more properly handled, thanks to hints found in this
old post by Romain François:
Changes in 0.9.3
- Conditional use of function packageName: use the one from pkgmaker
in R <= 2.15.3, or the one exported by utils in R >= 3.0.