Class Octave: Seamless Access to Octave Functions and Variables


This class provides a direct interface to Octave functions and base context (i.e. the scope where user objects are defined).


  1. [[signature(x = "Octave"): The method [[ provides an alternative way of retrieving Octave objects, and is equivalent to o_get(name).

  2. $signature(x = "Octave"): The method $ provides a direct way of calling Octave functions or retrieving variables from Octave base context, via e.g. .O$svd(x) or .O$a. It is equivalent to o_get(name).

  3. $<-signature(x = "Octave"): The method $<- allow to directly assign/set Octave variables via e.g. .O$a <- 10.

  4. .DollarNamessignature(x = "Octave"): Auto-completion for Octave-class objects

  5. showsignature(object = "Octave"): Show method for Octave-class objects