Listing Objects from the Current Octave Session


The function o_ls is an enhanced listing function, which also lists user-defined functions, as opposed to o_who or o_whos, which only list variables. Note that this function works properly on Octave >= 3.6.1, but is known not to list user-defined functions on Octave 3.4.1 (for some unknown reason the Octave function completion_matches does not return the names of user-defined functions).


o_ls(long = FALSE, rm.ans = TRUE)


a logical that indicates if the automatic Octave variable ans should be included in the result. Default (TRUE) is not to include it.
logical that indicates the desired type of output: if FALSE (default) then only the names of the variables are returned (like dispatched o_who), otherwise a list with more detailed information about each variable is returned (like o_whos.


a character vector or a list depending on the value of argument long.


## Don't show: 
# roxygen generated flag
## End Don't show

## Don't show: 
## End Don't show

# only variables
o_assign(list(a=1, b=2, c=5))
## Warning: function name 'fun1' does not agree with function file name
## '/tmp/Rtmpf8pqLM/file344cc6a2bd2/RcppOctave/scripts/ex_functions.m'
## [1] "a" "b" "c"
# compare with the output of standard Octave functions
o_who() # should be the same output
## [1] "a" "b" "c"
##  <Octave session: 3 object(s)>
##  name size bytes  class global sparse complex nesting persistent
##     a  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     b  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     c  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE

# variables and user-defined functions
o_clear(all=TRUE) # first clear Octave session
o_source(system.file('scripts/ex_source.m', package='RcppOctave'))
## Warning: function name 'fun1' does not agree with function file name
## '/tmp/Rtmpf8pqLM/file344cc6a2bd2/RcppOctave/scripts/ex_functions.m'
## [1] "a"   "b"   "c"   "abc"
##  <Octave session: 4 object(s)>
##  name size bytes    class global sparse complex nesting persistent
##     a  1x1     8   double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     b  1x1     8   double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     c  1x1     8   double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##   abc   NA    NA function   TRUE     NA      NA       1         NA
# compare with the output of standard Octave functions
## [1] "a" "b" "c"
##  <Octave session: 3 object(s)>
##  name size bytes  class global sparse complex nesting persistent
##     a  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     b  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE
##     c  1x1     8 double  FALSE  FALSE   FALSE       1      FALSE

See also

Other listoct: o_who, o_whos