Simple Gibbs sampler study following Darren Wilkinson

## Gibbs sampler in R and Octave
## Compare with RcppGibbs/ example in Rcpp package
## Simple Gibbs Sampler Example
## Adapted from Darren Wilkinson's post at
## Sanjog Misra and Dirk Eddelbuettel, June-July 2011
## This is Darren Wilkinsons R code (with the corrected variance)
## But we are returning only his columns 2 and 3 as the 1:N sequence
## is never used below
Rgibbs <- function(N,thin) { mat <- matrix(0,ncol=2,nrow=N) x <- 0 y <- 0 for (i in 1:N) { for (j in 1:thin) { x <- rgamma(1,3,y*y+4) y <- rnorm(1,1/(x+1),1/sqrt(2*(x+1))) } mat[i,] <- c(x,y) } mat }
## We can also try the R compiler on this R function
RCgibbs <- cmpfun(Rgibbs)
Mgibbs <- OctaveFunction(' function mat = Mgibbs(N, thin) mat = zeros(N, 2); x = 0; y = 0; for i = 1:N for j = 1:thin x = randg(3) / (y*y+4); y = randn(1)*1/sqrt(2*(x+1)) + 1/(x+1); end mat(i,:) = [ x, y ]; end end ')
## Octave docs:
## `gamma (a, b)' for `a > -1', `b > 0'
## r = b * randg (a)
## CORRECTION: set.seed(42); .O$gam(2,3)
## == set.seed(42); rgamma(1,2,1,3)
## == set.seed(42); rgamma(1,2,1)*3
## == set.seed(42); o_rgamma(1,1,2,3)
# set.seed(42); .O$gam(47,88); set.seed(42); rgamma(1,47,1,88); o_rgamma(1,1,47,88)
# set.seed(42); .O$gam(47,88); set.seed(42); rgamma(1,47,1,88); set.seed(42); o_rgamma(1,1,47,88)
matR <- Rgibbs(1000,10)
matO <- Mgibbs(1000,10)
stopifnot(all.equal(matR, matO))
## also use rbenchmark package
N <- 1000
thn <- 100
res <- benchmark(Rgibbs(N, thn), RCgibbs(N, thn), Mgibbs(N, thn), columns=c("test", "replications", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"), order="relative", replications=10)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 2 RCgibbs(N, thn) 10 9.831 1.000 9.827 0.000 1 Rgibbs(N, thn) 10 12.025 1.223 12.020 0.000 3 Mgibbs(N, thn) 10 27.834 2.831 27.824 0.008